- Southwark--Sutherk
- Leicester--Lester
- Gloucester--Glosster
- bird--girl (not a nice word for a girl, either)
- git--annoying person, jerk... i feel the exact definition varies.
- bugger--idiot (now, if you say "buggered" that's not a good word... it means to be a homo or something like that)
- truly--really
- subway--tube
- tea--tay
- pastey--past-ay (long ay like in acorn but I've also heard it pronounced past-ee; I use the second pronunciation)
- love--term like dear, sweetie
- "mind the..." gap, child, step, stair, purse, doorway,--you name it, they mind everything.
- bill--your receipt or check... if you say check, they don't have a bloomin' clue what you're talking about.
- toilet/loo--restroom... they say the Toilet more than the loo. I have only heard loo once.
- chips--french fries
- crisps--potato chips
- quid--pounds (as in £)
- hob nobbs--an English biscuit which is made out of oatmeal and very tasty
- biscuit--a cookie.
- knackered--really tired
- lift--elevator
- randy--er, maybe i shouldn't say, but it means horny (essentially)
- Edinburgh--Edinbruh
- fag--cigarette (i've never called them that but I've heard the term once or twice... can't get the American definition out of my head to ever use it for real.)
- wanker (this is a really bad word and i'm not going to tell you what it means, just don't use it!)
- bloody
- buggered
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