April 30--The first sights of London
We went on our first walk, which was by far the most boring one. We were touring the city where the original London Wall used to exist. This is one of the few parts that remain of it:

This is the only known surviving medieval gate tower of the London Wall. I believe it was discovered when they were excavating the site for the Tube. This is next to the Tower of London.

One of the last remaining segments of the wall. It is 35 feet tall and I'm not sure how long it is. That is a statue of either the original Caesar or Caesar Augustus, I believe. The wall was initially built by the Romans. At the time, London was not very large.
Some other sites to see: I don't remember being overly interested in a lot of the stuff we saw on the Londinium walk. It was rather boring, as I said before.

Thought it was entertaining... this pub is located on the street known as "Crutched Friars"... wonder where (or from whom) the name came from??

Wednesday was the first day I had ever used the Tube, or anything like it. It was quite an experience, but in actuality the Tube is very, very easy to comprehend. I'm a pro at it now, and I've only been using it 3 days!
These are pictures from the "Seats of Power" walk... it went by Parliament and Westminster Abby, but it focused more on places like Buckingham Palace and such. I didn't take many pictures, but here are a few you might be interested in.

Buckingham Palace--I didn't recognize it at first. It only registered that this was the Palace because of the gilded gates. :P

A scene from the depths of London.

We thought this was a little random. The Texas Embassy, eh? Well, they always wanted to be their own country....

We are near the Thames, but not sure where this was taken.
We also went and saw the Broadway musical Wicked on Wednesday--it was AMAZING! I LOVED IT!!!!

This is the only picture I got--it's just a picture of the curtain before the show started. I guess I should have taken a picture outside of the theatre, but I didn't... sorry. If you ever get a chance to see this musical TAKE IT! It's worth every penny! I think the theatre is actually one of my favourite aspects of London. They love the theatre and they make you love it too! I am going to go see Les Miserables while I am here, and hopefully The Phantom of the Opera. But they also have a Peter Pan musical, Mary Poppins, Sound of Music, Lord of the Rings, and several others. Pretty neat, huh? Though, seeing Aragorn frolic across the stage would be a little unsettling...
We went on our first walk, which was by far the most boring one. We were touring the city where the original London Wall used to exist. This is one of the few parts that remain of it:
This is the only known surviving medieval gate tower of the London Wall. I believe it was discovered when they were excavating the site for the Tube. This is next to the Tower of London.
One of the last remaining segments of the wall. It is 35 feet tall and I'm not sure how long it is. That is a statue of either the original Caesar or Caesar Augustus, I believe. The wall was initially built by the Romans. At the time, London was not very large.
Some other sites to see: I don't remember being overly interested in a lot of the stuff we saw on the Londinium walk. It was rather boring, as I said before.
Thought it was entertaining... this pub is located on the street known as "Crutched Friars"... wonder where (or from whom) the name came from??
Wednesday was the first day I had ever used the Tube, or anything like it. It was quite an experience, but in actuality the Tube is very, very easy to comprehend. I'm a pro at it now, and I've only been using it 3 days!
These are pictures from the "Seats of Power" walk... it went by Parliament and Westminster Abby, but it focused more on places like Buckingham Palace and such. I didn't take many pictures, but here are a few you might be interested in.
Buckingham Palace--I didn't recognize it at first. It only registered that this was the Palace because of the gilded gates. :P
A scene from the depths of London.
We thought this was a little random. The Texas Embassy, eh? Well, they always wanted to be their own country....
We are near the Thames, but not sure where this was taken.
We also went and saw the Broadway musical Wicked on Wednesday--it was AMAZING! I LOVED IT!!!!
This is the only picture I got--it's just a picture of the curtain before the show started. I guess I should have taken a picture outside of the theatre, but I didn't... sorry. If you ever get a chance to see this musical TAKE IT! It's worth every penny! I think the theatre is actually one of my favourite aspects of London. They love the theatre and they make you love it too! I am going to go see Les Miserables while I am here, and hopefully The Phantom of the Opera. But they also have a Peter Pan musical, Mary Poppins, Sound of Music, Lord of the Rings, and several others. Pretty neat, huh? Though, seeing Aragorn frolic across the stage would be a little unsettling...
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